Why do we combine magic with safety?

Having spoken at safety conferences and events all over the world we (and our clients) have identified a host of benefits:-
- It grabs the audience’s attention right from the start. Ideal for combatting that ‘here we go again’ mentality as people shuffle into the meeting (often with their heads in a different place).
- It’s fun, fresh, interesting and creative. People are surprised by the magic and having grabbed their attention it keeps them interested.
enjoyable, thought provoking and inspiring
- When people laugh at some of the light comedy included in our routines it gives them a shared experience which helps to open up conversations and break down barriers.
- It helps to land key safety messages such as the right and duty to intervene and that everyone is responsible for safety
- Audiences remember the impact for years. In fact a number of people have talked about how they remember the messages and the impact it had over 10 years later!
- Most of our routines involve audience members and some involve everyone in the room – it’s the antidote to ‘death by PowerPoint’.
- One of our routines on the importance of intervening when something appears unsafe is really impactful. Audiences feel an emotional impact rather than just listening to someone talking about it.
- Our sessions help to energise audiences and keep them focused.
- Feedback from clients consistently mentions that our sessions have been ‘the best safety training we have ever experienced’ and that audiences have found it enjoyable, thought provoking and inspiring.
Or as one client put it, ”Very powerful, insightful, thought provoking and clear safety messaging on life impacting topics – delivered in a uniquely stimulating, fun and memorable way…leaving us hungry for more.”
Find out more about the range of safety services we have or contact us to chat through some ideas.